The sad illusion of self importance that destroys everything positive in and around us.

In the true essence of the world we are all really one. We all rise from energy and dissipate into it. We are varied in nature, characteristics, thoughts and actions and yet the only thing within us that lasts is the thing that is common in everyone. The energy- and that's why we are all one. 

Ego breaks this oneness apart. It fragments the foundations of connections, of emotions, of love. 'I won't go to her, she should come to me' what difference do two steps from either direction make when the purpose is to meet? 
'I won't say this first, it needs to come from him' how does it matter who opens the mouth first, when the idea is to communicate?

Ego defies all rationale and yet most often exists in rational people. It's what snuffles out the light from any kind of human connection and gives us immense pain, yet this illusion has a stronger grasp on us than several aspects of reality.

Imagine if between two people, just one let's go of ego, then there is no reason for the other person to possess it either. And this leads to a chain reaction.

Imagine a world where there is no ego. We do what we want because we want to do it. We don't wait for whether we should be the first ones or someone else should initiate it. Isn't that the most beautiful kind of freedom? To act as you want, to express what you want, to give without wondering if you'll receive, to love without thinking its weak. 

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