Open Doors

I opened my door to happiness, shutting sorrows tightly out
And in streamed confusion
I opened the door to welcome my dreams, no self-doubt allowed
But all I got was an overwhelming realization
I opened the door to ambitions, no time to look back
And rushed in competition and greed
I opened my door to answers, confident they would come
And received in turn more questions
I opened my door to love, feeling high
And complimentarily got jealousy and insecurity
I opened my door to friendship, surely it would bring security
And in came doubt and self-defense
I opened my door to knowledge; I was so hungry to learn
And with it came a sense of inferiority
I opened my door to faith, to believe in anything
And found myself questioning all my beliefs
I opened my door to God, when I was sure he was near
And was frustrated when I couldn’t find him
I opened my door to good, knowing someone counted deeds somewhere
And was angered at no appreciation
All this while I braced the door- with all the strength I had
To prevent from entering any negativity, any sorrows, anything bad
I shut my door to questions, I daren’t allow misery
No hardships, no obstacles, simply living in bliss
But when I opened my door to positivity, in came all of it anyway
And with incoming negativity, the realization of my blessings increased.

1 comment:

  1. beautifully written. i agree that nothing positive happens without a bit of negativity and vice versa
